What is Remote 1:1 Personal Programming?

Remote 1:1 Personal Programming is programming specifically created for an individual based off of their goals and what equipment they have access to. Everything is fully personalized and adjustable by the coach via feedback from the client. Whether you have a desire to compete or just want to feel confident in your fitness, this is the quickest and most effective way to reach that success that I have seen in my 5 years of coaching and programming experience. Let’s dive into some of the plentiful benefits that 1:1 Programming offers.


There is no better accountability to keep you consistent with your training than having a coach. With 1:1 Programming, the coach is consistently checking in to see how the training is going. This is an outward form of accountability. There is also a more inward form of accountability that you experience with 1:1 Programming. This is because paying a premium price for a coach creates an instinctual sense of accountability. You don’t want to waste the money that you’ve spent and you don’t want to let your coach down. This is powerful!


Convenience & Efficiency

The convenience and efficiency of 1:1 Programming is unmatched. Not only do you have to put zero thought into what workout you’re doing for the day, you know that you’re getting the most efficient programming for your goals and needs as well. All you have to do is follow the coach’s lead and you’re on the quickest path to success! You can only train 45 minutes on Monday but want to do a 90 minute session on Wednesday? Your coach has you covered and will program accordingly. 1:1 Programming makes sure that you’re a well oiled machine that’s on the most efficient route to your destination!

Injury Prevention

Your coach always has you following well crafted programming that is designed for optimal training and recovery. This makes it a lot less likely for you to experience injuries because all of the programming is well thought out. Does a muscle feel tight or uncomfortable? Text your coach and he will adjust the programming accordingly, giving you quality substitutes for any movements that may put you at risk.


Confidence & Motivation

What if I told you that the state of your fitness can determine the quality of other areas in your life? Time and time again, I’ve seen people experience a confidence that spreads to their family/business/relationships/etc., all because they started to reach goal after goal in their fitness journey. It truly is a confidence that spreads across your life. Naturally, this confidence is extremely motivating. What’s more motivating than setting a goal and then reaching it? That’s why there is so much value with 1:1 Programming. You’re not just investing in your fitness, you’re investing in a better you.

More To Come!

While there are plenty of other benefits with 1:1 Programming, these are some of the ones I wanted to highlight here. Over the coming days, I’m going to dive deeper into the subject. Including answering common questions like:

  • Why 1:1 Programming vs. a general program like Rich Froning’s Mayhem or Mat Fraser’s HWPO?

  • Why do I need 1:1 Programming if I go to a CrossFit Gym already?

  • Why do I need this if I don’t have much equipment or access to a gym?

  • What are the benefits of this vs. in person 1:1 training?

After the success that I’ve seen with my clients, it has motivated me to answer these and bring this attention to all of you! Keep your eyes out for my next piece of content coming in the next couple of days. Have a great day!

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