
“I was new to CrossFit and now feel much more confident in basic movements. I have a solid foundation to build on moving forward!” - Brittany Demaio

“I have increased my Olympic lifts & Back Squat by 10-15lbs each since I have started with TKO Programming” - Dakota Wood

How did some of my clients train before working with TKO Programming?

”Before TKO programming, my training was inconsistent, sporadic, and had no structure.” - AJ Kenniv

“I was totally out of focus and without direction. Trying to reach goals without a proper progression plan.” - Juan Querales

“I was rarely working out in the gym because I didn't know what to do to target specific areas that I wanted to work on. Additionally, all of the information available online is a bit overwhelming and not personal to what I was needing.” - Beth Masencup

“I had everything at my house in order to workout, but I never really knew how to efficiently use it in a way that would be beneficial to the goals I set for myself.” - Angie Prince

How do they feel now after working with TKO Programming?

“I feel much more confident in basic CrossFit movements after receiving personalized training with TKO. He provided me with a strong foundation that I can build on moving forward.” - Brittany Demaio

”Great!!! I feel great. I have seen muscle weight gain. I also seen improvement in endurance, strength and overall performance.” - Anonymous

“I feel I have a coach who cares and offers support. Tyler is realistic, understands what's going on even when things go pear shaped with training schedules.” - Hilary Dance-Wilson

“Personalized programming has helped me focus on my weaknesses, given my training structure, and assured that what I am doing has a purpose behind it.” -AJ Kenniv

“Weaknesses are becoming strengths, high volume low skill and high skill movements have improved drastically” - Kerry Cofer

“I’m now stronger & more capable with TKO Programming! It helps with confidence and encouragement to have a workout designed with you in mind” - Beth Masencup

How does TKO Programming differ from other training programs?

“Compared to other training programs that I have done in the past, they were more generic, different from the programming that Tyler created specifically for me!” - Ben Evans

“The main difference has been being able to focus your program based on your needs. I also have to say that the programming changes and varies, which makes it interesting and challenging. Tyler really listens to what areas you would like to focus on and the training is directed to that.” - Anonymous

“The coach is highly experienced and knowledgeable. He is serious when looking into the client needs, he has a clear understandings about what you are looking for and works on it.” - Juan Querales

“Tyler cares about each client and is constantly checking in and takes a vested interest in my competitions and results. He is extremely personable and he genuinely cares about you. Tyler is always prompt in answering questions and emails. Other coaches have forgotten about me as an individual and don't follow-up when you need it.” - Hilary Dance-Wilson

“Working with a coach is the right decision and worth it!! The quality of training you get is essential to reach your goals.” - Juan Querales