Murph prep is going to consist of 3 major pillars:
Accessory work to make you stronger at strict, bodyweight exercises like pullups & pushups
Both typical & Unique running intervals that will greatly improve your running
Intentionally programmed WODs that will increase your overall capacity
I want to give you a piece of each so that you can give them a try next week before we actually start the Murph Prep. Let’s go!
Workout #1- Accessory
4 Sets *Superset
A1) Tempo Strict Press
5 Reps *3 second concentric & eccentric (Up & Down) tempo for each rep
A2) Pendlay Row
12 Reps
A3) Plank Walkouts
8-10 Reps
*Rest 3:00 between supersets
Note: A1, 2, & 3 will be done directly after one another for one giant superset. After you’ve done 1 set of each, rest 3:00 and repeat for a total of 4 sets.
Workout #2- Running
Every 3:00x8 Sets (24:00)
10 Air Squats
400m Run
Note: Not only will you need pure running intervals in your Murph prep, you’ll need pre-fatigued intervals. Because you might be able to run well on fresh legs, but what about tired ones? This will be a good intro into it plenty to come. Perform the air squats, then your 400m run as quickly as possible. Rest the remainder of the 3 minutes and then start your next set.
Workout #3- Metcon
2 Rounds
400m Run
10 Pullups
20 Pushups
30 Air Squats
*Rest 2:00, Then
3 Rounds
200m Run
7 Pullups
14 Pushups
21 Air Squats
*Rest 2:00, Then
4 Rounds
100m Run
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
Note: Not all of our workouts will look like broken up variations of Murph but this one is a great starter. A lot of WODs will focus on a specific exercise of Murph and work towards increasing your max threshold with that exercise. If you do these 3 workouts next week, try and spread this one out from the previous running workout. For example, Do this one on Monday and your running intervals on Friday.
Have any questions? Click the button below to send me an email and ask!