Who is TKO Programming?
The Beginning
Hey! I’m Tyler, the creator and coach of TKO Programming.
When I started CrossFit in 2014 I immediately fell in love. The community and training methodology still has me hooked to this day.
I began to show interest in competing and began to train super hard. When I inevitably hit a hard plateau, I went and hired an online coach. He sent me weekly workouts that were personalized towards my goals and all of a sudden I broke through that plateau.
When I saw the power of personalized programming, I wanted to learn everything I could and help others experience the same benefits that I did.
I realized not everyone wanted to be a competitor so I tested all different types and approaches of exercise. I learned how to adapt programming to people with wildly different needs.
Then I decided to become a CrossFit Coach at my first gym. I was able to work with a large variety of people that vary wildly in capability and needs.
I then went to coach at two other gyms after the first one, becoming head coach as well as head programmer at both. This was a perfect canvas that allowed me to practice coaching and programming for hundreds of different people.
The programming itch to help others only became larger over the years. This led me to create an Instagram account called WOD24.7 where I post free daily workouts for both CrossFit and Home Workouts. Growth came quickly and now the account is sitting at 100k+ followers.
I’m glad people are getting some value out of that account but ultimately I wanted to help people on more of a personal level. That’s where the true results come from and I knew that.
TKO Programming
I already had a couple years of experience with personalized programming for a small group of people. I knew this was the next move. So, I started the TKO Programming Instagram account.
I needed something that was more revolved around me instead of just a faceless Instagram that gives free workouts. I started to post consistently on there and offer some value to grow the brand.
Now we’re building the foundation of something that’s going to be big and I can’t wait to see where it goes. We’re on the ground floor and if you haven’t joined then now is the time!